Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Engagement Ring, It is Perfect!!!!! Maybe…

Have you fallen in love with your engagement ring?  Or do you love it, but you’re not quite in love with it? 
It took all the Groom’s courage, and months of saving for that special ring, which will forever represent his love and devotion to you.  The ring will symbolize his commitment to happily ever after.  After the euphoria of the proposal, engagement announcement and the solicited approval from your BFF, you sit back and wonder, “Would I have picked this ring?” After all, you have to wear it everyday.  You are not the only one out there pondering this question.

Before you decide to share your feelings with your new fiancée you might consider the following:
Do you really hate it?
Is it that he just didn’t listen to your subtle hints or taking you shopping for the ring?
If it really clashes with your jewelry collection and you will constantly think of it as your “not so fabulous ring,” then tell you partner.  In a gentle way explain to him how happy you are to commit yourself to him for the rest of your life.  Tell him, even though you were ecstatic that he put so much time and effort into buying the ring, maybe you can exchange or redesign the ring.  If he gets offended by this don’t be surprised.  You just told him that he can’t pick the right ring and doesn’t understand your taste.  But these few minutes of emotional awkwardness may turn into a day of blissful ring shopping.   
I, being a Type A personality, had the same situation and hated the ring.  The funny part is that I helped pick the ring.   So I hated what I had picked, and wanted to redesign mine one month into our engagement. I felt bad, but after few glasses of wine I found the courage to tell my fiancée that I was wrong.  Confessing I was wrong was enough to make my fiancée decide to upgrade my ring. A confession I will never admit to.  But I love my ring now, and love to show it off. 

One possible catch, is the ring a family heirloom?
Has the ring been handed down generation after generation? Does the family have deep emotional ties to it? Have they told you how lucky you are to receive the ring?  It is rare in this day an age that heirlooms are passed down as engagement rings, but it does happen.  What do you do?? Many brides wish for a ring that is uniquely theirs, and chosen just for them.  Conveying this sentiment to your fiancée, and his family, might be tricky.  Express to your fiancée and the family how honored you are to receive such a ring, and to have been bestowed the caretaker of the ring as it passes from generation to generation.  Ladies, this will be a battle, you must pick and choose.  Could the heirloom ring serve as a commitment ring while you select a ring that reflects your lifestyle?
Greeks believed that the diamonds were precious splinters of stars that had fallen to the Earth. Diamonds have a unique status as the ultimate symbol of love.  If you have fallen in love with your ring, or are about to fall in love with it, do know that engagement rings have strings of your heart wrapped in your fingers.

BBFN  (Bridal Bliss For Now)

If you are a bride that got her “Perfect” ring, would love to know how did you drop those subtle hints?


  1. Diamond rings hold with them a lot more value than the money spent to purchase them. It's a symbol of love. And as you said, it symbolizes your man's commitment to happily ever after. Receiving that from someone you wish to spend the rest of your life with could be one of the most magical moments of your life. By the way, it's good that you tackled the issue about not being happy with the design of your engagement ring, and what women should do to talk to their fiances about the issue.
    Milagro @ Diamonds Direct

  2. That’s true, Milagro. And aside from that, it also represents your commitment to each other. It’s hard for us women to decide whether to take it and spend the rest of our life with the man of our dreams; or leave it and love our independence. But it’s harder on the part of the guy because he has no idea what’s on our mind.


  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Ladies. Well, surely a guy who wanted to spend the rest of his life with you would want to make sure he’ll give you something you’ll love. More importantly, if it’s gonna be a thing that symbolizes your love and commitment to one another. In this case, I guess it wouldn’t hurt if the ladies would drop subtle hints regarding that “perfect ring”. Cheers!

    Ricky Rowe @ Finding Jewelry Experts
