Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Color to Inspire All Our 2013 Brides

To All the Newly Engaged Couples!

Congratulations! Now it is time to stop looking at your beautiful ring on your finger, and start planning! The wedding planning literally process starts at yes…

Now I know that as a young girl, or from attending the vast amount of friends and family weddings you've given yourself a foundation of how you might want your wedding to be - but we all know that as we grow older that image we all have been so focused on changes as style, colors, and fashion continue to be recycled and influence our daily life. That being said, as we wind up the summer weddings, we begin to look at whats to come next year. 

I am pleased to announce that next years color is….MINT! And it is as cool as a scoop of gelato and can be mixed with brighter or softer colors to make a wedding event truly memorable. According to the Head of our Design Studio here at Oliveaire - softer palettes from bridesmaid dresses to wedding decor is what all brides are asking for. Matching it with a beautiful bright orange can brighten the palette with jewelry, lip stick or even floral decor and wedding invitations. Soften the palette with a deeper purple or rose gold and a soft beautiful pink can make and enhance the night away in the same way. 



There is so much you can do with your focus on this color to make it a fresh hint of just everything to tie your wedding together - even by making a signature drink out of it. As the fashion industry recycles, you’ll find the vintage trend become the trend to keep your eye out for. Color can truly define the atmosphere of your wedding, but choose a color that is you and one that is versatile...maybe that color will be mint. Anything you choose will be beautiful, because that day is all about you, my brides


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