The Wedding Bouquet
is a very important detail that you will want to put a lot of thought
into. Your bouquet will not only
compliment your dress, but it will show off your personality and of course tie
yourself into the Wedding Décor. In
2014, we are seeing a lot of new and exciting Wedding Bouquet Trends that you
should consider when ordering your floral masterpiece!
Neutral Toned
This year, neutral tones are taking
over regarding Wedding Décor, and it doesn’t fall short with Wedding Bouquets
as well. Pastel pinks, purples, greens, yellows
and creams really compliment each other well, and there is no denying how
romantic they are. For you
Vintage/Country/Boho Brides, this color scheme would be a perfect choice for
your Bridal Bouquet!
Bling, Bling, Bling
This trend is absolutely
fabulous! We are loving the
incorporation of bling into the Bride’s bouquet! There are many different ways to enhance your
bouquet; it is up to you and your florist which choice you would like to go
with! You can sprinkle glitter over your
bouquet, incorporate glittered flowers throughout, or even stick gems/diamonds
throughout the bouquet, whatever you choose it is going to be stunning and will
definitely stand out!
Cascading Bouquets
Containing flowers into a bunch is
not your only option… let your floral flow!
This new trend of Cascading Bouquets is beautiful and also adds a touch
of romance. Once again, for you Vintage,
Country/Boho Brides, this trend would be perfect for you to consider! As you can see below, cascading bouquets are gorgeous
and absolutely unique!
Variety Flowers
Do not just pick one flower and
stick to it! Choose a mixture of
different flowers for your bouquet and let it become your very own! Some trending flowers to consider are
Hydrangeas and Peonies! Hydrangeas add
volume and a modern touch! Peonies are
for you summer brides and run a little bit on the expensive side, but they are
absolutely breathtaking! Incorporating
these and other flower options into one bouquet will be stunning and purely
The Ombre Bouquet
The Ombre is not just regarding
hair anymore! From the Bridesmaid
dresses, to the linen and the Bridal bouquet, the Ombre has incorporated itself into all
parts of the Wedding Décor! Ombré is the
unique effect you see when colors gradually fade into each other! It is eye-catching, memorable and will
definitely enhance your beautiful wedding!
BBFN (Bridal Bliss For Now),